WHY WE RUN: Running MUMs

Mother’s Day in 2022 is RunAsOne’s third, and we are so grateful to have even more to celebrate than we did in 2021! Leading by example with their discipline and work ethic, the mums of RunAsOne are the glue that keeps our group together, as well as consistently being the ones to extend a welcoming hand to newcomers. The mums of RunAsOne are determined, selfless, and tough! This year, we caught up with just a few of our mums to hear about life as a runner from their perspective.


Naturally, we started the conversation by asking what running means to our mums. With motherhood ranging from the highs and lows of adults, to the demands of still completely dependent children, it was fascinating to read that running is able to play a similar, stabilising role for all! Most respondents attributed their patience as a mum to their ability to get out for a regular run, with two respondents even claiming that a morning run enabled them to tolerate the Wiggles! Therefore, the correlation between running and motherhood can perhaps be summarised by a quote shared with us claiming that “you will be a better runner once you become a mother, and you will be a better mother once you become a runner (unknown).” However, most mums were quick to assure us that it isn’t all highlights and positive experiences, and like everything to do with motherhood, there are certainly challenges to overcome. One such theme I observed was the guilt associated with leaving children at home or in daycare to go for a run and put their own wellbeing first for just a small portion of the day. Despite knowing that this would lead to more quality mother and child time, some respondents did mention that they felt selfish pursuing their running ambitions. We are very grateful that each of the RunAsOne mums were able to put this feeling aside, and continue to turn up and have a positive influence on their teammates at training. From the respondents with older children, it can perhaps be reassurance for many to hear that the guilt did not become regret, and that they are now so proud to see their children adopt a similar discipline and determination in order to achieve their own goals. For one mum, her role as a model for a healthier, happier lifestyle has lead her son to join her for RunAsOne training sessions, which she proudly states is “the most precious moments that I can share with my son.” We know that all of the mum’s at RunAsOne have such a positive impact on their children at home, and we hope that they can continue to be running mums!


The focus of the conversation then turned to each respondent’s running related highlight! As we reflected on some amazing results, most of which came in the face of adversity, I started to observe another pattern. The focus of most of these fond memories was times in which the result was shared with family. One respondent recalled being joined in the last 2km of her first marathon by her children as the highlight of her running journey so far. Similarly, others were quick to label their children as their biggest supporters, with their highlights being times that they were either joined on the track or cheered on from the sideline by their kids. A running mum’s mantra is perhaps best captured by a quote shared by one respondent who stated that “the best life is one shared with others.” Among so many other gifts, it is for this selfless desire to lead and inspire that we owe so much to our running mums! When further prompted on their purpose as a running mum, most of the responses followed a familiar trend. Each respondent shared a wish for their children to hopefully observe some valuable lessons about life from their mum’s commitment. One respondent hopes that her children will learn to believe in themselves regardless of their ability. Another respondent wants her daughter to grow up knowing that her body’s value is so much greater than just how it appears. Furthermore, one respondent hopes her running can help instill her family’s mantra that “there is no such thing as can’t.” Each mum shared a similarly clear purpose to show their children what can be achieved when you put your mind to something. A final respondent captured this beautifully by simply saying that she just wants her son to see her chasing her dreams in the hope that one day he will do the same. On Sunday, we hope to help our RunAsOne mums celebrate their many achievements regardless of the impact they’ve had on others!


We owe a lot to our mums; for their leadership and selflessness that consistently puts us first. RunAsOne can’t wait to celebrate our running mums on Sunday, but not before they’ve got their long run done! Before I finish, I want to share a final testimony to a group I’m very proud to be part of. From a respondent of the survey:

“I look at the younger women at Run As One with very little kids, and I am so pleased that they are here, and will have this network to support them through running with kids, bring them back after time out, have slower groups to start back with and so on”

And we can’t wait to play some role in their journeys as running mums! We can’t think of any more valuable and purposeful endeavour!